On Reading ‘BATTLEFIELD’ to the Kayakers of Death

for MK and BA


I saw two security police taking out a man’s balls
And I saw two little crazy boys
Crying by the road who wouldn’t go away
But two has never been a number
Because it’s only legal to pass one at a time
It’s only a drum you can carry but you can’t beat
It’s the evidence they need to make you disappear.



grass skull
I write from the reservoir of gloves
to which you are invited
to define weapons as a hole in time
a swinging metal gate
swimming against the visual globe
teeth are nothing on a loading dock
scary mops built it that way
knowledge begging us for steak
from the centre of everything
I give away sucked-on cash
all of the prices are correct
continuity retains its blob shape
lard and desertion
ceremonial abyss on call
piecing the carpet back together
who are the kin in you splashing about
Caravaggio’s telekinesis
what am I the doorman of silica
cobalt real estate
a nervous and brutal intermezzo
bridged by now-lots in affirmation weeklies
the many many forest
the holy call of livid time
remaining in the pampas of birth
the putting-on of the yellow bandana
circumstantial piss-mouthing
between you and me, time is a Cajun encourager
a mastiff wrapped in an oily quilt
oceans of dark, Dr. Onions
this will spill into your bulging nightmare
head crease
frontispiece of the road’s defiance
my my my
bleeding belief
tucked into the sun’s mommy
chickens dancing in their costumes
time to go home plucked of all mimicry
did somebody say ‘waste god’
and the lyric comes


I’m a planet player
shoes lifting above the bullion blood
echo sewn onto the armchair’s androgyny
to map is sex
nightgrass arriving in my seat
Love is for where the wearing mind went
I’m sure of this
the rearing of the tired, exerted
trash dream as a series of films
thought country moves the generations
not the other way around
but yes the other other way around
wearied fork flunk and mahogany
back here exist odalisques
what’s happening to the beagle’s attention
when for instance I caused a mouth Atlantic humour
incurable Bermuda or some such
Washingtonian blush wish fat with salmon
the kayakers of death
tyrannical life belt sophisticants
inveterate and softened
the hydrangea of as-salamu alaykum
“stop gap”
the mouth suffers in its lack of archery
time for the cattle call
sipping stone
in straw
in the decadent moth-bottle of omens
iambic argot
ruined by sailor-priests
ruined by
bailbondsmen secreting indigo shine


underground or ungrounded
chilblains from feral geography
feeling black from the cigarette juice
who’s gone who’s the great wanderling
cyclical eyebrow and disappearing proof
I am your motherfucking mudra
lactating acrimony
push-pull hell all along
novice of the grey ear in the bell
novice of the green pulverised lips
behemoth armada of March’s Andromeda
the personal pentagrams of god
take place
shaving the diligent bilge doubter
a peaking sybilline stare occasion
a weight for Saint Anthony
the daughter of new religions that wait in extremis
babies are saying that we aren’t all stable
dogs in seatbelts
forms of visual deep-reportage
a villain, a villain, a repetitive sledding
it happened within wild decor
starting from three
parked range of diamond strudel
expressing the portal school
and it could be anything, apes for the reach beyond
black bullet casing
phenomenal credit risk
fun fun February
let me just kindly put you somewhere else


the sentient bistro noumena
of course needling flesh
sticking with the stripped unraveller
burned oscillation glum
once I catch a social hit that’s it
do you want to come to the special poisoning
greater than multiple hours
I profess to the poetry world
a cup of causes, a cup of salience
whose jury will outfit a murmur with eyes that toil
cop-headed wanderer
on no occasion will you be Blood, Foreigner, or Gibraltar
ikon reading rays
funny collar and urine stain
how do I play the palace guard record now that it wants me to
I don’t mentally achieve
I put it in the case grease for daughters
senators sharp with bowling leagues
shopping for the maritime moon
pre-socratic diet tests
and notes on the maiden of holy meat
the appellation of it is Giving a Day
salaries, so who cares
super civilian watching steel
you go through a series of concussive jokes
part natural part drowning flop
I once saw the magic cashier of El Horse
raising gold-clad nothingness
I never get anything
am never given anything
but still wield this human bravado


I saw young jazz, I saw a young man
curled up dead and afraid
50-yard line
across the park, ordinary petty commas
I will not shoot the truth and its motions on the periphery
or new assignations on perfect plots
to job is sex
lift the country of the tongue
you cornball
the body appears as dice to a mirror
upon the water
a child solid and liberated
the last athletic confectionary
what is it to fry
when the world is on fire
hedonic burst of tears from a rabbit
what is the night without a toast
a fall spray of honesty
Coca-Cola alcohol pack of smokes
time is again naughty
the boredom is a wave saying none spread education
assassins contract the red flame of life
presidential house dust
open up the door pie already
the hours I waited for morphine
absolutely go into The Blue
I have to stop in the available world
share the sun’s vagina why don’t you
evil Spain guzzling the blood of 22 centuries
elephant lynchpin memories
the breeze is Finnish
fear is everywhere
is everywhere 


hell has always held it up
the swigging love of bells
quiet now
as the datura leaf
filled with hate
the calling locks one alone
during which towers bloom on a mountain
in heaven
behold, the corporations
the Ace of Nights
what will not happen, will not happen virtuously
frankly what will live in thee
colours of glands, the colours of chauvinism
iridium selenium moldavite
gut shot show-off
the blankness of translation pulls you out of your neighbour
a vital brick
as soon as I talk about settling into Sartre’s codewords
right now you are living a past life
replaced by a team of shoulder puddings
I’m going to hear the ocean for one
as a sleeve over what you could not discover
certainly an airborne concentration camp on my lips
uncannily xenophobic and statistically Jungian
pretty faces juggle the chalice of me
orchestral rape, this is the price for raising me
cursed upon the clock of memory
granite mind suit
don’t care about the sequence of pain
muppets made of bone
expecting that the prose happens in demons
I will assure you, star
that materialisation is the vacant space of comprehension
the diamond whole
as silent as Palestine


the kayakers of death
where the cops win
catch you browsing in the vampire cemetery
divine surgeons in a mix of black oatmeal
a challenge for human lamentation
voluntary telos in the realm of the whimsical magical aerosols
life as a sky of scotch tape
makes more sense to give birth to another
to the unguarded mural of the sea
make peace with your cancellation rays
so now I’ll be quiet, a rapture of iron poems
in the blank of my mind, twin hatcheries of consumption
to allow hope to breathe in home
the pleasure of police tasers
faceless without facelessness
physical songs retrieve their cooler rivers of depaysement
glue of time as rebellion
a living tunnel of teeth
among the perfect commoners
a soul of sexual crosswords
days move cracklingly in season
as medical as annihilation is
neither jury, nor award
the more one expects to be horned
cooperation is a burning-down palace
simply stated it’s incriminating
to wing the tightly tuned golden head
chick baubles for the ageless vasectomy
to hear badges of sleep slip past an other shimmering
Franciscan payouts on the slump
my head revokes the heart on the vine
look at this guy
then look at the end
there the light is working
nothing but a villanelle of night’s slow and boring Being
there are slogans that disobey
hit with the darkened dream
that I don’t know my name yet

LOSARC RAAL is a writer and editor originally from Varna, Bulgaria. He is the author of two chapbooks: [SELF-SELECTIONS] (Trainwreck Press; 2021) and The Poetry of Carlux Carluxlax (Reverse Catfish; 2022). A pamphlet, Dead or Alive (The Creative Writing Department), and a chapbook, The Adverse Keys (Spiral Editions), are forthcoming in 2022, and his quasi-novella NO MATERIAL is forthcoming from Black Sun Lit in 2023. He was tyrant over the poetry and arts journal NOMATERIALISM [2020-2022]. He is currently composing two full-length manuscripts entitled NOTHING and TROBAR CLUS, respectively. He has lived in Brooklyn, Greece, Argentina, and Saudi Arabia, and he currently resides with his wife and sons in Los Angeles, CA. Hit him at: losarcraal@gmail.com

IG: @nomaterial_ism


Lockdown: Poems

Before the Law